We are in an ever-changing time of uncertainty with new information coming at us from every direction. These tools and resources are available to you to use during this time of crisis. Use this list to ensure you are accessing accurate information, valuable support, and a sense of peace as we navigate our new normal.

United Way Worldwide’s COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund supports 211, a vital service that connects millions of people to support every year. Simply call 211 or toll-free (888) 421-1266 to find resources to assist with essential services.
Recognize the importance of self-care during this time of uncertainty and stress. The University of Washington created a list of tips to support your own well-being and overall health to be able to help others do the same.
Stay informed with factual information from The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other reliable sources.
Utilize the Crisis Text Line and text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor for free support from home.
Share your stories with policymakers to ensure they include support for child care in their COVID-19 response. Child Care Works powered by Child Care Aware of America makes it easy for child care providers and community members to feel productive by addressing this situation with our community leaders with a pre-written message. Click here to reach out to your legislators today!
Keep your children informed and talk with them about the coronavirus. We’ve put together a list of ways to talk to them about what’s going on in the world here.
Try staying busy with activities and scheduled routines with your children. Fordham Institute put together a list of activities to keep your children busy learning while at home.
Even in isolation, we are all still connected.
As we work together through this uncertain but temporary stage, now more than ever, it is important to stay calm and informed. Remember to visit Childcare Resources for information on a variety of topics in response to the coronavirus.
Other Resources