For the past fourteen years, the Fairy Tale Ball has brought the magic and enchantment of fairy tales and superheroes to the city of Birmingham. Each year, this event generates valuable support for the children and families who rely on Childcare Resources, a local non-profit organization and United Way of Central Alabama partner agency that provides information, education, and assistance to children, families, and providers of child care across our Central Alabama community.
Amidst the changes in our community caused by the novel coronavirus, the agency will host a virtual fundraising gala for families with a fresh twist on the fun from the previous years. Philanthropic-minded guests near and far will wish upon a star from the comfort of their own homes for Childcare Resources’ 14th Annual Virtual Fairy Tale Ball on Saturday, August 29, 2020, at 5:30 pm. This year’s virtual event will provide high-energy entertainment and dancing through a live-streamed dance party, magic show, breakout rooms with fairy tale character meet-and-greets, interactive craft activities, virtual dance classes, and more.
Priced at $50 per child, families will receive a virtual ticket with admission, including a customized participation packet to make their experience during the virtual event interactive and entertaining. Each packet will include personalized items such as an autographed character photo, pre-packaged candy from our over-the-top candy bar, materials to make your own craft activity during the event along with our fairy tale characters, activity sheets, stickers, and more. For an additional $50, children can receive a special delivery to their homes from a fairy tale character (limitations on location/quantity).
“Though we as a community see the ever-changing effects from the pandemic, one thing that will stay the same is the significant impact the child care industry has on the economy,” says Joan Wright, Executive Director of Childcare Resources. “And while the Virtual Fairy Tale Ball will certainly be a night of fun and frivolity, by attending the event, families are also ensuring all children in our community receive the absolute best start in life while supporting our early education workforce.”
Sponsorships are open now and begin at $1,500 with multiple levels available. Current sponsors for the 2020 event include Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, ABC 33/40, This Is Alabama, Vulcan Materials Company Foundation, Borgosz Enterprises, CenterState Bank, Ingram Equipment Company, Protective Life, Renasant Bank, South Haven Corporation in loving memory of Fred and Rheta Skelton, Spoiled Rotten Photography, and more.
To support the mission of Childcare Resources, to get tickets or secure a sponsorship for the event, or to learn more about the Fairy Tale Ball, visit ccr-bhm.org/fairy-tale-ball or call (205) 945-0018 Ext. 306.