The Department of Human Resources (DHR) has created the Temporary Assistance for Stabilizing Child Care (TASCC) Grant Program to assist licensed child care programs that were affected by the current coronavirus pandemic. Now, more than ever, access to high-quality child care programs is a critical pillar of Alabama's early learning system and First Class Pre-K program.

The creation of the TASCC program is intended to assist licensed child care programs in regaining their footing and reopening safely to the community. For more information about eligibility and grant guidelines, check out the TASCC Grant Application Guidance.
On Wednesday, July 15, VOICES for Alabama's Children hosted a webinar with DHR to provide an in-depth look at this grant and the application. Click here to view the recorded webinar to learn more about the TASCC grant eligibility, how to determine grant award amounts, and how to complete and submit the application. You will also hear a discussion about how the grant funds can be utilized and the reporting requirements that are applicable after the grants are awarded.
The deadline to apply for the TASCC Grant Program is August 7, 2020. Click here to apply today.
For questions regarding the application, please email DHR at
The Alabama Department of Human Resources Child Care Services Division is the state’s Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) administrator, responsible for the child care subsidy program and quality initiatives. In addition, the Division is also responsible for monitoring and licensing child care centers and homes for compliance with minimum standards.