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Junior Board Spotlight: LaKesha Petty

LaKesha Petty, Executive Director, Pamper Me Nursery Child Development Center and Childcare Resources’ Junior Board Member

LaKesha Petty, a local child care center owner, eagerly accepted the opportunity to join us this year as a member of our Junior Board. Her background in providing high-quality early care for families in our community motivates her incredible volunteer service with our agency. We were thrilled to sit down with LaKesha to discuss how her relationship with Childcare Resources has benefitted the community and her child care center.

What interested you to begin your service with Childcare Resources?

I was nominated to become a Junior Board Member by my friend and colleague, Khiari Knox. The opportunity to serve my community and neighboring communities has been rewarding and exciting! As a Child Care Center Owner and Director, I understand how families and early care providers can benefit from a partnership with Childcare Resources.

My child care center, Pamper Me Nursery Child Development Center, currently partners with Childcare Resources by offering financial assistance through the agency’s Supplemental Child Care Program. Our center is also registered to receive the Quality Times, the quarterly training calendar, which provides free or low-cost, high-quality training opportunities for our teachers.

“Childcare Resources provides hope and opportunities for families looking for quality child care and provides support and encouragement for child care professionals to provide the best care possible.”

What have you most enjoyed as a member of the Junior Board?

I have enjoyed learning about the opportunities that Childcare Resources provides for organizations across Central Alabama, and I especially enjoyed participating in the Champions for Children Charity Breakfast! It offered a unique online experience for those who couldn’t attend in person. This event raises awareness about Childcare Resources’ benefits for parents and providers in our community. I’m looking forward to learning more and sharing ideas as I continue to serve as a Junior Board member!

Why would you recommend someone to get involved with Childcare Resources?

I would recommend someone to get involved with Childcare Resources for many reasons. There are programs for educators looking for additional training hours, for parents who need help paying for a portion of their care, and for community members looking for resources and information regarding quality child care opportunities.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve as a Junior Board member. It is a rewarding and inspirational role, and I love learning about the wonderful partnerships that support the agency’s mission. Childcare Resources serves as a community hub for early childhood professionals and families. I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate in supporting our community through Childcare Resources!

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